Diagnostic Tests and LASERs
Slit Lamp

This machine is used by the ophthalmologist to examine different structures in front of and on your eye. It is often used in conjunction with the anterior segment camera.

This camera allows the doctor to take an image of the anterior segment of your eye; the anterior segment of your eye is the portion of your eye that contains eye fluids.

Using the latest in optical sensing technology, we are able to take a cross sectional image of your retina, which will aid your doctor in diagnosing retinal diseases.

Using industry standard optical sensing technology, the machine is able to measure the axial dimensions of the eye. Additionally, the built-in Keratometer can also determine corneal curvature and size of your pupil.

Using the latest breakthroughs in optics, this machine is able to get an accurate reading of the correction needed to move the focal point back onto the surface of the retina.

By reflecting a bowl of concentric light circles onto the surface of your eye, the machine is able to accurately determine the topography of your cornea. The doctor is also able to determine the corneal astigmatism of your eye.

Using a low powered microscope attached to a camera, we are able to take a live image of your retina; this aids the doctor in determining any diabetic retinopathy or other eye conditions.

Similar to the Fundus Disc Photo, this machine takes a live image of your retina. It also has similar functions to the OCT camera, where it is able to take an image and measure the thickness of your retinal layers.

Like the name suggests, the Humphrey Visual Field test maps out your retina’s visual field by shining a white light at different stimulus points of your retina.

When projecting a light onto your cornea, the machine captures the image that is reflected back. This allows us to determine the cell count of your cornea, which allows additional information to help the doctor diagnose any eye conditions.

Corneal pachymetry allows for the doctor to measure different parts of cornea. Knowing the thickness of your cornea can help the doctor understand intraocular pressure readings as well as knowing where to perform LRIs if you are undergoing cataract surgery.

By changing the magnification of the instrument, we can determine the focal point of your eyes. The built-in keratometer can determine corneal curvature.

This machine is used during the YAG Capsulotomy, which is an outpatient procedure done in our office. The doctor opens up a small window in your eye capsule to improve your vision. To read more about it, click here.

This LASER is used to treat patients diagnosed with Primary Open Angle Glaucoma. Read more about it here.
Lens Meter

This machine is used to measure the prescription of glasses which gives the doctor a basic understanding of the patient's current refraction.
iTrace Wavefront Abberometer

This machine is a ray tracing aberrometer that combines both wavefront aberrometery as well as placido based corneal topography. This information is used before cataract surgery to select and recommend the best vision correction treatment.

This is a diagnostic instrument for measuring the curvature of the anterior surface of the cornea, particularly for assessing the extent and axis of astigmatism.

This instrument is used to measure your prescription strength. Usually used on patients who wish for new glasses and are about to do cataract surgery
Eye chart projector

This manual projector projects high contrast images that will test your vision. Not only will this test see what your overall vision is, but also can help determine the overall health of your retina.